Hosting & Status

The project is moving to a cloud hosted version in order to improve uptime and ensure continuous data availability.

Because of this migration, certain changes and features will be temporarily unavailable while everything gets settled into place. This will not result in your testing data being unavailable. All currently available sample test data will be available through the site through at least July, 2025. We apologize for any inconvenience this changeover results in.


Client access to the ledger pages and the payment portal has been disabled at this time. This will also mean that any outstanding balance cannot be settle through the online payment portal.

If you need financial information from those pages, or need to settle an invoice, contact us at


New orders and pickups are currently disabled.

New Users, Password Resets & Emails

Due to a change in the email server, all features requiring emails have been temporarily disabled. Adding a new user will be impossible until the new email server is established, for a password reset, contact an administrator for the password reset link using the email address for the account you wish to reset.


Entry of data in the lab-side interfaces has also been disabled. New sample creation and edits to existing data will need to be done manually. Contact an administrator for assistance.