Licenses & Links
The project uses a few licenses for various sections of code, the data and the documentation.
Main Project
This section covers the licenses used by the main project and its direct subsidiaries.
There are a few main licenses used in various capacities in the swlims systems, however it is worth noting that you don’t need to worry about any of these unless you are planning to copy or reuse parts of the project for your own purposes. None of these will be important for regular use of the website and will not impact the average user at all.
Customer Data 
The client data provided on derived from samples provided to Stillwater labs continues to be owned by the client who provided the sample, and we take the security of that data seriously. It is stored and backed up on site, not stored remotely on “the cloud”.
None of the following license terms, conditions or restrictions apply to client data processed in the system, only to the project systems themselves.
Client Portal - 
The main code base for the project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3. A quick summary of how this license works:
All code used in the project is freely available for study or use. To request access to the code, contact the project admin
Include a copy of the full license text, available either here or from their site
State all changes made to the original software
Make available the original source code when you distribute any binaries based on code.
Include a copy of the original copyright notice.
For more information on the GNU GPLv3 license, visit their website or the Free Software Foundation directly.
Documentation - 
As listed at the bottom of the page, the documentation hosted here is released for general use under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license. The quick summary is:
Copying and redistribution in any medium or format is expressly allowed, including modified versions.
You must attribute your distributions to the original source, including noting what was changed. For assistance with this, contact the project admin.
Any new material must also be covered under the original license and no new restrictions may be placed on subsequent versions.
Utilized Projects
This section The relies on other open source projects, and here we’d like to list the major components. For smaller libraries or code which is used in one or two places, review the source code itself.
The Flask microframework provides the main requests, sessions, templating and other WSGI tasks. The Flask microframework is then served to the internet through a combination of gunicorn for the main WSGI server and nginx for the webserver.
The frontend / GUI is mainly constructed using the Bootstrap framework.
The data storage and querying tasks are handled on the very backend by a MongoDB server.
The OS is provided by Gentoo Linux, the most advanced operating system out there.