Accounting & Ledger
This is where all charges, payments, discounts and other financial information is handled and displayed.
Ledger page
This page shows a table containing all transactions for the current year separated into transaction lines.
Contract: This column shows the contract (or order id) associated with each transaction line
For more information and detailed instructions on making a payment online, visit the Pay Now page directly.
- Date: The date the charge was initial entered into the swlims system. Note: hover the mouse over this text to view the full time information.
- Charges: Numbers in this column represent the initial charge for the transaction.
- Discounts: If shown, this column represents and discounts, subtractions or adjustments made to the order’s charge. Note: if no discounts have been applied, this column is not shown.
- Net charge: After discounts and payments, the total amount outstanding
- Payments: Total payment(s) made to this charge/contract. Note: if there are multiple payments to a single charge, the payments may be shown on separate lines.